About Me

Hi! My name is Jackson Roberts. I graduated in May 2021 from the University of Colorado Boulder. I currently work at WorldQL on the Dreamlab game engine. Previously, I worked at Halp (acquired by Atlassian) where I built the first version of their Jira Server integration now used by customers. Further back, I worked at Section.io on their CDN product.
Thanks for visiting my site.
I can be contacted via email at [email protected]
Socials #
GitHub, X, LinkedIn, Hacker News
Some of my interests and projects #
- Game development and modding
- WorldQL / Dreamlab: Making multiplayer development accessible to every developer.
- Mammoth: Scalable (1000+ players) Minecraft server architecture powered by WorldQL. This project has been retired; if you're looking for a Minecraft scaling solution check out Folia.
- Potion Factory: An incremental game I made back in high school which has been played over 100,000 times.
- Decentralized systems and blockchain
- Moracle: A prototype oracle service for the Lisk blockchain. Here's me speaking about it at Lisk.js 2019 in Berlin.
- Hackathons!
- Picture of my team at HyconHacks in Seoul, SK. We took second place and ₩10,000,000 with our blockchain-based permission management tool.
- 1st place overall at HackCU 2018
- Best use of Snap Kit at HackCU 2019
- Best use of IBM Bluemix at AT&T Mobile Hackathon
- An article about my first ever hackathon win in 2013. I've been a hacker nearly my whole life!
- Probably a few others I'm forgetting...
Unpopular Opinions #
- Art (and NFT) sales enable less money laundering than you think. Most high-priced art and collectible purchases are legitimate.
- We will never experience mass unemployment due to advances in artificial intelligence.
- Furthermore, AI's most important impact on the workplace will be making it more social.
- Most work is social in nature, a field in which humans will always reign supreme. AI replaces gruntwork, leaving workers more time to communicate with their peers.
- Even experienced developers should use a git GUI. I learned the command line first, but Sublime Merge saves me so much time and sanity.
- The best combat in a Zelda game is in A Link Between Worlds. I think that it outshines combat in any of the 3D Zelda games by offering responsive gameplay without a targeting system.